About me

:man_technologist: I am a postdoc at MIT, working with Yoon Kim. I am currently interested in developing more controllable and efficient sequence models. Free feel to reach out if you’d like to chat! :wave:

I finished my PhD at the University of Edinburgh, advised by Ivan Titov and Mirella Lapata. Prior to my PhD, I worked on structured prediction with Wei Lu. During my PhD, I primarily focus on addressing several generalization challenges that arise in executable semantic parsing (e.g., text-to-SQL parsing), namely domain generalization, learning from weak supervision and systematic generalization, based on methodologies of latent discrete structure learning (e.g., separable permutation) and specialized learning objectives (e.g., meta-learning).


* denotes equal contribution.

You can also find them on my Google Scholar profile.

Log of Parsing Papers

Epoch 7: :bow: Late 2022, bow down to LLM …
Epoch 6: :fist: Early 2022, let’s focus on how to make discrete latent structures/variables work!
Epoch 5: :thinking: In 2021, I’m convinced that Transformers are indeed powerful, but we also need specialized objectives to regularize the training of them.
Epoch 4: :confused: In 2020, Transformers are everywhere, wondering how latent structures can still be useful somehow.
Epoch 3: :thinking: During 2018-2019, maybe structured prediction is not required as we already have good end-to-end systems? But latent structures can help!
Epoch 2: :smile_cat: During 2017-2018, structured prediction is interesting, I can play with DL and fancy structures!
Epoch 1: :expressionless: In 2017, it seems that everyone is doing DL for NLP, so I should follow though I do not understand why they work so well.
Epoch 0: :grimacing: During 2016-2017, I was intrigued by rule/grammar-based parsing systems (and their usage in SMT), and I wish I could do something related.

Work Experience

  • Research Intern at Salesforce Research, Summer 2020
  • Research Intern at Microsoft Research Redmond, Summer 2019
  • Research Intern at Samsung Research America, Summer 2018
  • Research Intern at StatNLP Singapore, Summer 2017
  • NLP Intern/Engineer at Mobvoi. Beijing, 2016